Не выдёргивайте из контекста фразы, пожалуйста. Саурон был очень могущественным айнуром и запугивание тут не сработает. Да и сам Толкин пишет по этому поводу как бы побольше:
А почему выдергивание? Ваш собеседник абсолютно верную цитату привел – добровольную связь между господином и слугой или учителем и учеником никто не называет "оковами". В оковах находятся помимо своей воли и обычно пытаются от них избавиться, как Саурон в первой половине ВЭ (Халбранд в сериале ничего не пытался, а страдал фигней). Касательно запугивания и эмоциональных манипуляций Толкин тоже писал.
Melkor also used and perverted for his purposes the 'fear of Eru', fully or vaguely understood. But this was more difficult and perilous and required more cunning. Lesser spirits might be lured by love or admiration of himself and his powers, and so led at last into a posture of rebellion against Eru. Their fear of Him might then be darkened, so that they adhered to Melkor, as a captain and protector, becoming at last too terrified to return to the allegiance of Eru, even after they had discovered Melkor and had begun to hate him". (c) HoME-X, Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth.
Т. е. Мелькор занимался демагогией (а делал он это мастерски даже на квенья в Амане) на богословскую тематику, убеждая соратников, что он – единственная надежда в борьбе с Эру.
Он пользовался доверчивостью и слабостями тех, кого искушал:
For he would come by stealth to a mind open and unwary, hoping to learn some part of its thought before it closed, and still more to implant in it his own thought, to deceive it and win it to his friendship. His thought was ever the same, though varied to suit each case (so far as he understood it): he was above all benevolent; he was rich and could give any gift that they desired to his friends; he had a special love for the one that he addressed; but he must be trusted.
In this way he won entry into many minds, removing their unwill, and unlocking the door by the only key, though his key was counterfeit. Yet this was not what he most desired, the conquest of the recalcitrant, the enslavement of his enemies. Those who listened and did not close the door were too often already inclined to his friendship; some (according to their measure) had already entered on paths like his own, and listened because they hoped to learn and receive from him things that would further their own purposes. (So it was with those of the Maiar who first and earliest fell under his domination. They were already rebels, but lacking Melkor's power and ruthless will they admired him, and saw in his leadership hope of effective rebellion.) But those who were yet simple and uncorrupted in "heart" were at once aware of his entry, and if they listened to the warning of their hearts, ceased to listen, ejected him, and closed the door. It was such as these that Melkor most desired to overcome: his enemies, for to him all were enemies who resisted him in the least thing or claimed anything whatsoever as their own and not his". (с) NoME, Osanwe-kenta.
Считал своими врагами всех, кто осмеливался иметь мнение, отличное от мнения Мелькора – что тут скажешь, сразу видно, что с подчиненными были здоровые взаимоотношения. У Саурона было свое понимание Музыки, свои планы на мир и его обитателей, свои цели, это просто факт канона и прямые слова автора. Вот и задайтесь вопросом, каково ему было существовать и работать рядом с подобной личностью, ставшей его непосредственным начальством.
Далее, если попытаться взглянуть на примеры взаимодействий Мелькора с другими Айнур. Ну вот, например, он пришел к Унголиантэ:
Now Melkor sought for her, and he put on again the form that he had worn as the tyrant of Utumno: a dark Lord, tall and terrible. In that form he remained ever after. And when Ungoliante saw him coming she was afraid, knowing his hatred for all who tried to escape from him. She shrank into her deepest lair, and tried to shroud herself in new shadow; but such darkness as in her famine she could weave was no defence against the eyes of Melkor, Lord of Utumno and Angband". (с) The Later Quenta Silmarillion, HoME-X.
Мелькор сам привел паучиху и других духов из отдаленных областей Эа в Арду. У Айнур свободное перемещение не считается чем-то зазорным, никто из Валар и не подумал выразить недовольство Мелиан, оставшейся в Средиземье, но от Мелькора можно только "спастись" и больше никогда не попадаться ему на глаза. Занятно, конечно, что первая реакция могущественной айни на обожаемого хозяина – забиться в яму поглубже. Это о методах правления.
Далее – о методах управления:
'Come out!' he cried. 'I have need of thee and will not be denied. Either thou wilt serve me, or I will bury thee here and under black stone thou shalt wither into naught.' Then suddenly he held up in his hands two shining gems. They were green, and in that lightless place they reflected the dreadful light of his eyes, as if some ravening beast had come hunting there. Thus the great Thief set his lure for the lesser." (с) The Later Quenta Silmarillion, HoME-X.
Кнут и пряник как по учебнику. Сначала угрозы, никуда не отвертишься, закопаю на месте. Потом – разжечь природную страсть и жирно намекнуть, что ее можно и утолить, если слушаться Дарителя Даров. Ну а потом выставить запредельную предоплату с обязательством вляпаться в какую-нибудь идиотскую аферу, вроде очередной войны с Валар, чтобы Мелькор потешил эго, втихаря переворачивая трон Манвэ и таская эльфийские драгоценности, пока ты горбатишься.
Короче, кому-то сласти, а кому-то по мордасти, если недоволен. Идиллия.
by alyruko.