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Фантастические твари и места их обитания


Сумеречная зона
На раскоряки Рэдмейна тошно смотреть, вот уж по чему я не скучала - когда я увидела это в кино, хотелось убить всех вокруг - чтобы не было свидетелей, заставших меня за этим постыдным зрелищем.
Но моя главная претензия: все выглядят до боли неволшебно, ничто фактически не напоминает о том, что люди перед нами - ведьмы и колдуны. При всей моей нелюбви к образу Деппа, в нем было достаточно экстравагантности, чтобы не спутать его с маглом. Теперь же маглофицировались все, никто не отличим от Якоба, чем дальше, тем больше я понимаю Волдеморта. :facepalm:
Ощущение, что фильм - как наш форум - создан не по бизнес-плану с красивыми презами, а как вынужденная мера, в которой все вынуждены изобретать заплатки и бежать марафон одновременно, когда жаркое пламя дедлайна лизает пятки.

Но есть кое-что постоянное. Коля. Коля на недостижимой высоте, аж захотелось тему перечитать: как мы восторгались его Гриндевальдом все эти годы. :in love:
Последнее редактирование:


Храбрый пирожок
Не надо множить разделы. Мне так кажется.
Все же интересно, как сценаристы будут разбираться с Криденсом/Аурелиусом.
Не может он быть братом Альбуса. Некоторые даже предположили, что это его сын. Но мне кажется это тоже безумная теория.


Бульдозер мечты
как мы восторгались его Гриндевальдом все эти годы. :in love:
Были бы умные сценаристы, вернули бы настоящего Грейвза. Дескать его Гринд или оглушил или где-то запер в ловушке как Барти Крауч Грюма... сразу бы рейтинги подскочили бы.

Огненный Ёж

Горячий Йожик


Храбрый пирожок
Депп на Гриндевальда никак не тянул в любом случае.
В первом фильме, когда у него щеки на воротник свешивались, это был просто кринж. Во втором, он хорошо смотрелся с бородой, а как побрился и сделал попугайский ирокез, так стал капитаном Гриндевальдом :ill:


Волшебный единорог
По мотивам:
Заходят как-то Джейми Кэмбелл-Бауэрр, Колин Фарелл, Джонни Депп и Мадс Миккельсен в Кабанью Голову, а бармен достает палочку и говорит:
- Авада Кедавра!

Абефорт Дамблдор никогда не был толерантным человеком


Были бы умные сценаристы, вернули бы настоящего Грейвза. Дескать его Гринд или оглушил или где-то запер в ловушке как Барти Крауч Грюма... сразу бы рейтинги подскочили бы.
Тогда была бы вероятность, что настоящий Грайвз не был таким классным, как нам показывали в 1 фильме, подразумевая что это все время был характер Грина... Хотя, если верить теории и слитым фоткам из 1 фильма, что Деппа в самый последний момент добавили, как воплощение Грайвза, а на самом деле это все Грайвз творил и именно его в конце повязали.
Миккельсен мне в любом случае больше Деппа нравится, он такой гротескный был. Хотя я все еще надеюсь, что Миккельсену гетерохромию сделают, хотя спойлеры говорят что нет :rage:


Волшебный единорог
Миккельсен мне в любом случае больше Деппа нравится, он такой гротескный был. Хотя я все еще надеюсь, что Миккельсену гетерохромию сделают, хотя спойлеры говорят что нет :rage:
В трейлере у него глаза разного цвета. Просто это намного менее заметно, чем у Деппа


Бульдозер мечты
что настоящий Грайвз не был таким классным, как нам показывали в 1 фильме,
Но он мог быть куда класнее!
А то, что сам Грейвз творил это вообще круть бы была. Потому что могуществннный аврор на стороне Гринда это уже заговор. Серьезно, по-взрослому. А не просто Гринд лично сам бегает под обороткой как школьник
Последнее редактирование:

dark mind

Тёмная сестра


Волшебный единорог
А где Винда? Я что то не увидела ее в трейлере.
Она будет. Она мелькает на 1:51 трейлера на заднем плане, и она была крупным планом в тизере трейлера на 1:56:

Но вообще Винда - это миллион упущенных возможностей. Наверное, самая стильная правая рука главного злодея, но мы о ней практически ничего не знаем
Настолько плохо помню Тварей, что аж иду пересматривать сейчас первый и второй фильмы :doh: Причем первый вообще-то помню, а второй напрочь отшибло. Наверное, мозг в целях сохранности стер эти куски из опасения серьезно травмироваться нелогичностью происходящего.


В трейлере у него глаза разного цвета. Просто это намного менее заметно, чем у Деппа
Ага, точно. Если улучшить качество картинки, видно, что глаза разные)
Тот слитый сценарий правда:facepalm: я же говорю, что слив выглядел достаточно бредово, чтобы оказаться правдой.
Vinnypu, а что за слитый сценарий про жеребят? Где его искать? Не видела)


Волшебный единорог
Vinnypu, а что за слитый сценарий про жеребят? Где его искать? Не видела)
Ну, это скорее подробный пересказ сценария, но его слили за пару недель до трейлера, и почти все сцены оттуда в этом пересказе были, что внушает ему некоторое доверие

Можно посмотреть например здесь:

WB/Wizarding World Logos (New thinner WB shield over white sort of pink-ish clouds)

We see Dumbledore waiting in a train. He departs and enters a restaurant, telling a server that he’s waiting for someone. Grindelwald arrives and they sit. They discuss their past and the blood pact vial. Grindelwald asks why it was made and Dumbledore says it’s because he was in love with him. Grindelwald tells him to stay out of his way.

Cut to Newt on a river raft in the jungle. He finds a pregnant Qilin – think a magical deer. He helps her give birth to a calf but Grindelwald’s followers apparate on the scene: Credence, Rosier, and another woman. They attack the Qilin mother and mortally wound her. Newt grabs the calf and a chase through the forest ensues. He ends up crashing into the river and is knocked woozy. This gives Grindelwald’s followers time to grab the Qilin calf and disapparate.

Newt returns to the mother and finds another calf. He tells her she had twins. The remaining Qilin calf is reflected in its mother’s eyes as the mother sheds a tear and dies.

Newt stores the calf safely in his trunk (there’s a picture of Tina looking happy). He finds a strange jungle bird which can puff its chest out like a blow-fish. It carries him and the calf away into the night.


Credence delivers the Qilin calf to Grindelwald in their mountain hideout. Queenie watches as Grindewald slashes the calf’s throat. Its blood leaks onto the ground and in its reflection Grindelwald sees a vision of Newt and Theseus crossing into Hogsmeade.

Cut to Newt and Theseus walking into Hogsmeade. They go to the Hog’s Head and meet Aberforth. They had no idea he was Dumbledore’s brother. In the basement, Dumbledore reveals the blood pact vial. He can’t attack Grindelwald – so much as thinking it would... well, he demonstrates. The vial shoots off and starts tearing into the wall. Chains wrap around Dumbledore’s wrists and tear into them. If the thoughts continue he’ll die. He finally manages to stop it.

Dumbledore says he has a plan for stopping Grindelwald, but they have to trust him, even if it’s against all of their instincts. The Qilin Grindelwald stole has certain abilities, and because of that Grindelwald can now see visions of the future. They must be very careful. 18.

Queenie talks to Credence. He’s unsure of the choice he made. She’s supposed to report his thoughts to Grindelwald but admits she doesn’t tell him everything.

She leaves and Credence looks at a mirror with a fogged-over message written on it: “FORGIVE ME.”

Jacob opens up the bakery in the early morning. The place is rundown and he’s not in great shape. He sees Queenie in the doorway and they have an argument that ends with them embracing. But it’s just in his head and when the camera cuts, there’s no Queenie. Across the street he sees a woman, Lalie, reading a book. She’s accosted by three men.

Jacob goes out to help but she nails them with Petrificus Totalus. The lead man is actually her cousin who owed her a favor, she just wanted to test Jacob. He tries to get away from her (“I’ve had enough of you people!”) but she eventually convinces him that with Queenie helping Grindelwald, they need his help. Her book opens and showers them with pages, which turns out to be a portkey to...

A train, where Jacob and Lalie meet Newt, Theseus, Bunty, and Kama. Dumbledore has given them all something to do to confuse Grindelwald as they need to compensate for his ability to glimpse into the future (Jacob is confused by all of this and his reactions are funny). Newt gives out items: Theseus gets a tie with a large golden pin that Teddy the Niffler does not let go of easily; Jacob gets a snake wood wand without a core; and Bunty gets a set of instructions for her eyes only that disintegrate when she’s done reading them. Tina has become the head of the American Auror office and is “unavailable.”

(There’s also a bit in here with Theseus reading a paper talking about the two top candidates to lead the International Confederacy of Wizards – Liu and Santos, with Santos the favorite to win)

They then set off to do whatever their tasks are. Bunty seems to have a renewed focus and takes Newt’s case with her.

At the hideout, Grindelwald sees a vision of Kama approaching the castle. He tells Queenie they should prepare to leave tomorrow night as they’ll have a guest in the morning. Later, the phoenix flies over Credence. Grindelwald suspects it’s to protect him due to the task he must do.

Newt and Theseus head to Berlin for an ICW function. Newt stops the leader of the ICW, Vogel, with a message from Dumbledore: Now is the time to do what is right, not what is easy. Vogel bristles at Dumbledore hiding at Hogwarts when people are dying.

With a crowd gathered, Vogel announces that Grindelwald will not be charged for his crimes due to a lack of evidence. Theseus spots Grindelwald followers in the crowd and threatens to arrest them. He’s outmatched and they knock him cold and abduct him before Newt can do anything to stop them.

Bunty enters a shop and asks a man if he can make multiple identical copies of Newt’s case. Oh, and he’s not allowed to open it.

Newt goes to the German Ministry of Magic looking to find information on Theseus and spots one of the Aurors who abducted him. The man disappears, but Grindelwald has followers in the German Ministry.

Grindelwald and Rosier drive through Berlin. She says people are rallying to his cause. The car is surrounded and he tells them to lower the windows. Grindelwald exits and is swarmed by followers. They end up lifting and carrying him to the end of the street which is seen by Vogel, Liu, and Santos. Vogel suggests Grindelwald’s name should be put forth so that he can be voted down. If they refuse to run him, the outcry could lead to violence.

Newt, Lalie, and Jacob meet up with Dumbledore. He asks Lalie and Jacob to go to the candidates dinner tonight as he expects there will be some kind of assassination attempt. He also gives Newt the location of a prison Theseus is being held.

Kama arrives at Grindelwald’s castle. He says he was sent to spy for Dumbledore... what would he like him to report back? Grindelwald sells him on changing sides. Queenie reads Kama’s mind and sees that he is full of rage for what happened to Leta. Grindelwald says it’s best then to remove the memory of his sister. He uses his wand and extracts the memory, lamenting that wanting revenge through anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Dumbledore walks through the streets of Berlin, followed by Credence. Dumbledore uses a little device to see behind him and knows he’s being followed. They eventually have a confrontation, Credence angered by his abandonment. Dumbledore wins the “fight” and Credence is left weak on the street. Dumbledore says Credence does share his blood but he’s not his brother.

Lalie and Jacob find their table at the dinner. Grindelwald arrives with his entourage, including Kama and Queenie. Jacob calls out to her but she doesn’t look at him.

Newt arrives at the prison where there’s one jailor, a Sam Elliot-looking dude who gives him sass. He tells Newt to hand over Pickett and Teddy. They’re put into tiny little cells. Newt says he’ll return for them soon but the guard doubts it. He hands Newt a light and tells him to head down the dark hallway. “How will I find my brother?” “He’ll be the guy who looks like your brother.”

As Newt leaves the jailor grins at Pickett and Teddy, and Teddy takes particular notice of his golden tooth...

The jail and dinner sequences are intercut)

Grindelwald talks to Queenie and says she’s forgiven for her feelings for Jacob. Jacob drinks and stumbles over to him, pulling out the snake wood wand. At this moment, Lalie notices a drink being delivered to Santos. Jacob orders Grindelwald to let Queenie go. He’s cursed from under the table to make it look like he’s attacking Grindelwald.

Lalie shatters the glass and the drink flies into the wall, burning into it. She saved Santos’ life. But Grindelwald says a muggle just tries to assassinate him and this is what they need to rally against as wizards. Lalie just manages to use the book pages as a port key to save herself and Jacob.

On his way through the cells Newt encounters relatively tiny creatures that at first look cute until they reveal they’re actually spider-like little heathens. He imitates a really quite funny sort of walk so they won’t be threatened by him. He gets to Theseus, strung upside down over a number of spiders, frees him and gets him to do the same walk.

There are lights in front of all the prisoner cells. One of the lights goes out and the stinger of a much larger spider creature, invisible far down the prison pit, impales the prisoner and drags him into the darkness. Then it vomits up his corpse and the smaller spiders swarm it for dinner. The rest of the sequence is Newt and Theseus trying to escape without losing their light and drawing the attention of the big mama.

Which fails, because eventually their light goes out and it becomes a giant chase sequence through the tunnels.

Pickett and Teddy manage to escape. Teddy steals Theseus’ tie with golden pin from the jailor (as well as his gold tooth).

The giant spider wraps a tendril around Theseus and sucks him down, nearly dragging him into the pit. Newt sees Pickett and Teddy coming and jumps down after Theseus, telling him to grab the tie. Teddy dives for them and they reach out...

...and are safe on the grass outside. The tie was a portkey. The spider tendril unwraps from Theseus but slithers off, still alive. They look up and see they’re at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore is in the Great Hall with some kids. Jacob talks to a couple at a table and talks about how cool and rare his snake wood wand is. They ask where he got it and he says it’s a Christmas present. He sees Newt and they chat. Jacob says how nice the kids are and that a group in green gave him candy, which turn out to be cockroach clusters.

Dumbledore says they’ll be eating at the Hog’s Head tonight.

Grindelwald stands in a pool with the dead Qilin calf. He does a spell and the calf “lives” again, zombified. He has another vision – Dumbledore with another Qilin. Credence arrives and Grindelwald asks if there was another Qilin. Credence says he doesn’t know and Grindelwald attacks him, saying this puts him in a great deal of danger.

When they meet Aberforth they see a message written in his fogged-over mirror: “DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE ALONE?”

At dinner, the Qilin calf stumbles around. They’re very special magical creatures because they can look directly into someone’s soul. If there’s love there, they’ll know. If there’s hatred there, they’ll know. And for the purest of heart, the Qilin will bow.

Later, Newt hears Albus talking to Aberforth about taking responsibility. He enters and gets the whole story. There’s a whole lot of lore dropped here but the gist of it is that Credence isn’t Albus’ brother, he’s his nephew. Aberforth had a love affair with a woman and she was sent away with the child.

Another message appears in the mirror: “I WANT TO COME HOME.”

Dumbledore realizes it’s Credence who’s been talking to them. Dumbledore regrets that he wasn’t there for Credence – they could have been a family, but it’s too late - Credence is dying. They ask how he knows and Dumbledore says he has experience with what’s inside of him (he’s looking at the portrait of Ariana as he says this). Dumbledore says it’s too late to save Credence but it’s not too late for Credence to save everybody.

Dumbledore reveals the ICW election will happen at an important spot in the Himalayas where some of the most important magic was born from. He has a plan. The main team meet in the Room of Requirement where there are six identical cases. One of them has the real Qilin. Dumbledore asks Newt if he knows which one is real and he doesn’t. “Good, because if you did this wouldn’t work!”

Each of them will take a case and go to the ceremony in the Himalayas. If they’re attacked by Grindelwald’s men, drop the case and go.

There’s a bell ribbon thing at the center of the room that’s a portkey. Dumbledore and Jacob go first, then everyone follows.

Dumbledore has a nice moment with Jacob saying he’s so full-hearted. He needs to leave him to meet someone, but at the first sign of trouble drop the case.

Lalie and Theseus are attacked by Grindelwald’s men. They drop their cases. One of them is full of Jacob’s pastries, the other has a snitch. Then the pastries fly to life and other objects – bludgers, sheets of paper – attack the Aurors. Theseus and Lalie get away.

Queenie finds Jacob. He begs her to come back but she says it’s too late. He says it’s not. Dumbledore said he had such a full heart but he’s wrong because there’s always room for Queenie. Grindelwald’s men find them and take Jacob.

This is shakier but Newt means a woman who claims to be working with Dumbledore and that she “knows what’s in the case.” She grabs it from him and Newt is knocked down. When he recovers he runs up the stairs after her and grabs the case, but then it dissolves. Another fake.

At the top of a high flight of stairs, Vogel announces the last and most important ICW step: a Qilin will inspect each of the candidates. One appears... and it’s the one Grindelwald resurrected. He walks to all the candidates and bows before Grindelwald. Fireworks fly and he is announced as the next leader of the International Confederation of Wizards.

Grindelwald immediately pulls Jacob up to make an example of him. This is the muggle who attacked him, in love with a wizard. This dirties magical bloodlines and cannot be allowed. Queenie watches in horror as Grindelwald attacks Jacob with the Cruciatus curse.

Credence appears and calls Grindelwald a liar. He runs his finger across Grindelwald’s face trailing a line in ink. Then he says that Qilin is dead. Queenie speaks up, saying Grindelwald slashed its throat. Grindelwald calls them lies, unprovable.

Then the ink bathes the Qilin, exposing its connection to Grindelwald. Bunty appears with a case and opens it, revealing the other Qilin. (Grindelwald shoots her the darkest of looks here – I don’t think she’s surviving Fantastic Beasts 4)

The Qilin studies and walks through the crowd and bows before Dumbledore. He’s honored but says there has to be someone else here who is worthy. Then the Qilin finds Santos and bows before her.

Enraged, Grindelwald shoots a green spell at Credence which is blocked by Aberforth and Albus. But a big thing happens: the blood pact vial unwraps itself from Dumbledore’s wrist and begins to crack. Grindelwald attacked, Dumbledore defended with no thought of each other, but their spells still clashed. And as the vial shatters...


It’s furious and quick and ends with their wands in each other’s faces, each man’s hand on the other’s heart. Then they pause and step away.

Grindelwald walks to the edge of the bridge. He says he was never their enemy, looking at Dumbledore with “...then or now.” Then as Aurors attack he disappears off the bridge.

Credence is weak and dying. Aberforth lifts him and says he wants to take him home as the Phoenix mournfully follows them.

Dumbledore explains the vile shattering to Newt. Jacob and Queenie embrace. And in an echo of Half-Blood Prince’s ending, the Phoenix flies off into the sunset.

But we’re not done yet as we pick up at Jacob’s bakery on a snowy night. He’s in his best suit getting married to Queenie. There’s some banter and Newt spots Dumbledore sitting on the bench outside, alone. Newt talks to him and Dumbledore thanks him, saying he can never have this. Newt says he’ll do it again if Dumbledore ever asks. Newt returns to the party and Tina appears. They chat and smile at each other and head into the shop.

Dumbledore watches, then he stands and walks down the street, alone.
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