Тема для гаданий на кофейной гуще и обсуждения множества хедканонных Рейгаров.

Но для начала немного фактов из рубрики "Так сказал Мартин":
- пара с младенцем в видении Дейнерис это точно Рейгар и Элия;
- на Трезубце с Рейгаром была, в том числе, часть армии Тирелла; численность армии Рейгара превосходила численностью армию Роберта, но у последнего люди были более проверенные в боях;
- Рейгар и дорнийцы в ВБ: отряды дорнийцев были с Рейгаром на Трезубце (под командованием принца Ливена из БГ), но дорнийцы не поддерживали его в полную силу, отчасти по причине злости из-за его обращения с Элией, отчасти из-за врождённой осторожности Дорана;
- в отношениях Рейгара и Эйриса определённо было напряжение (больше в следующих книгах);
- внешность детей Рейгара: Рейнис выглядела больше как Мартелл, Эйгон больше как Таргариен;
- ответ на вопрос, действительно ли дети Элии мертвы: Рейнис несомненно была вытащена из-под кровати отца и убита;
- тело Рейгара было кремировано, что традиционно для Таргариенов;
- о Башне Радости и белогвардейцах: описание событий у БР в ПОВе Неда это именно сон, лихорадочный сон, наши сны не всегда буквальны; белогвардейцы точно знали, что находится в Башне;
- Год Ложной Весны был примерно за 1 или 2 года до начала Восстания Баратеона.
(фрагмент арта авторства ren)

Но для начала немного фактов из рубрики "Так сказал Мартин":
- пара с младенцем в видении Дейнерис это точно Рейгар и Элия;
[Who is the couple celebrating the birth of a son that Dany sees in her vision in the wizard's palace in Qarth? Can you tell us? Is it Rhaegar and someone? Or is it the original Aegon (the Conqueror?)]
Rhaegar and his wife, Elia of Dorne.
Rhaegar and his wife, Elia of Dorne.
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - Rhaegar and Elia
- на Трезубце с Рейгаром была, в том числе, часть армии Тирелла; численность армии Рейгара превосходила численностью армию Роберта, но у последнего люди были более проверенные в боях;
Tyrell had a sizeable host, but some of his strength was with Rhaegar, certainly. Rhaegar actually outnumbered Robert on the Trident, although Robert's troops were more battle-tested. I haven't gone into the whole history of the fighting, but there was a good deal more to it than just two armies meeting on the Trident. There were a number of earlier battles, sieges, escapes, ambushes, duels, and forays, and fighting in places as farflung as the Vale and the Dornish Marches.
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - The Siege of Storm’s End
- Рейгар и дорнийцы в ВБ: отряды дорнийцев были с Рейгаром на Трезубце (под командованием принца Ливена из БГ), но дорнийцы не поддерживали его в полную силу, отчасти по причине злости из-за его обращения с Элией, отчасти из-за врождённой осторожности Дорана;
Rhaegar had Dornish troops with him on the Trident, under the command of Prince Lewyn of the Kingsguard. However, the Dornishmen did not support him as strongly as they might have, in part because of anger at his treatment of Elia, in part because of Prince Doran's innate caution.
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - The Baratheon Brothers
- в отношениях Рейгара и Эйриса определённо было напряжение (больше в следующих книгах);
[Am I reading things between the lines that aren't really there, but was Rhaegar and Aerys' relationship not all that it could be?]
There were definitely tensions between father and son. More will be revealed in future books.
There were definitely tensions between father and son. More will be revealed in future books.
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - Aerys and Rhaegar
- внешность детей Рейгара: Рейнис выглядела больше как Мартелл, Эйгон больше как Таргариен;
[Do you have any idea what Rhaenys and Aegon looked like? (Hair color, eye color, etc.)]
Rhaenys looked more like a Martell, Aegon more a Targaryen.
Rhaenys looked more like a Martell, Aegon more a Targaryen.
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - A Number of Questions
- ответ на вопрос, действительно ли дети Элии мертвы: Рейнис несомненно была вытащена из-под кровати отца и убита;
[Are Aegon and Rhaenys, Elia's children, well and truly dead?]
All I have to say is that there is absolutely no doubt that little Princess Rhaenys was dragged from beneath her father's bed and slain.
All I have to say is that there is absolutely no doubt that little Princess Rhaenys was dragged from beneath her father's bed and slain.
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - Elia’s Children
- тело Рейгара было кремировано, что традиционно для Таргариенов;
[What happened to Rhaegar's body?]
Rhaegar was cremated, as is traditional for fallen Targaryens.
Rhaegar was cremated, as is traditional for fallen Targaryens.
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - Forum Chat
- о Башне Радости и белогвардейцах: описание событий у БР в ПОВе Неда это именно сон, лихорадочный сон, наши сны не всегда буквальны; белогвардейцы точно знали, что находится в Башне;
[It's about the Tower of Joy. The image we get from Ned's description is pretty powerful. But it doesn't make sense. The top three kingsguards, including the lord commander amd the best knight in ages, Ser Arthur Dayne are present there. Lyanna is in the tower, she asked Ned to promise him something. This, so says the general consensus us little Jon Snow, who is Lyanna's and Rhaegar's. No sense denying this 
However, what are the Kingsguards doing fighting Eddard? Eddard would never hurt Lyanna, nor her child. The little one would be safe with Eddard as well, him being a close relative. So I ask you, was there someone else with Lyanna and Jon?]
You'll need to wait for future books to find out more about the Tower of Joy and what happened there, I fear.
I might mention, though, that Ned's account, which you refer to, was in the context of a dream... and a fever dream at that. Our dreams are not always literal.
[Also, did the Kingsguards know what was in the Tower?]

However, what are the Kingsguards doing fighting Eddard? Eddard would never hurt Lyanna, nor her child. The little one would be safe with Eddard as well, him being a close relative. So I ask you, was there someone else with Lyanna and Jon?]
You'll need to wait for future books to find out more about the Tower of Joy and what happened there, I fear.
I might mention, though, that Ned's account, which you refer to, was in the context of a dream... and a fever dream at that. Our dreams are not always literal.
[Also, did the Kingsguards know what was in the Tower?]
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - Concerning the Tower of Joy
[When was the year of the false spring?]
Don't have my references to hand, but it was a year or two before the start of Robert's Rebellion.
Don't have my references to hand, but it was a year or two before the start of Robert's Rebellion.
The Citadel: So Spake Martin - Concerning the False Spring

(фрагмент арта авторства ren)
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